Why regular teeth cleaning and checkups are important

You hear it over again - regular dental visits are important. But why are they crucial? Do you still need them even if you brush and floss your teeth every day?

The answer is yes. Even with good oral hygiene habits, you still need to go to the dental office for regular teeth cleaning and checkups.

Dental appointments aren’t for treating teeth and gum problems alone. Routine hygiene cleanings and oral exams are preventative measures.

Here are more reasons why regular teeth cleaning and checkups are important.

1. Prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.

Even if you’re diligent in brushing and flossing, some deposits will still be left behind on the surfaces of your teeth. Chances are they’re nesting in hard-to-reach areas, such as the molars and back areas.

When plaque builds up on these areas and hardens into tartar, brushing or flossing will no longer be able to remove them. Special tools at the dental office are necessary to get rid of them and keep them from causing cavities, decay, irritation, and infection.

Your dentist and dental hygienist can spot signs of decay and cavities and reverse them before they progress.

2. Keep your gums healthy.

Gum disease is common but not everyone who has it may be aware. Early gum disease often doesn’t have symptoms, nor does it cause pain or discomfort.

During regular dental checkups, your dentist examines your mouth. They can determine whether gum problems are present. They evaluate your gums for swelling and measure your gum pockets.

Healthy gums are snug and shallow. With gum disease, the pockets become loose and deep, which also increases the risk of bacterial growth in the area.

Here at Princess Dental in Brandon, MB, we also guide you on how you can care for your gums and teeth better.

3. Screen for oral cancer.

This is an important component of regular dental checkups.

Your dentist checks your mouth for signs of oral cancer, such as lumps or patches. They also look into nearby structures, such as your neck and head, for any irregularities or potential symptoms.

Oral cancer should be detected and treated as early as possible or it can develop into a life-threatening condition.

4. Prevent oral health problems.

Seeing your dentist regularly helps keep your mouth in good condition.

Through routine dental exams, dentists can detect problems at their early stages and address them before they worsen.

They can also provide you with oral health care advice so you can prevent similar issues from happening again.

5. Keep dental costs low.

By reducing your risk of developing dental problems and keeping treatments you need minimal, you also keep your dental costs low.

Keeping your mouth in good condition also helps improve the quality of your life. You avoid dental-related discomfort and pain and increase confidence with your healthy smile.

6. Keep your smile healthy with regular dental visits

Being proactive is crucial in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Make regular teeth cleaning and check-ups a part of your oral hygiene habits.

We’re more than happy to assist you in booking your dental visit.

For more questions about dental hygiene cleanings and oral exams in Brandon, MB, please feel free to contact us at .