Do missing teeth affect your face?

When you first lose a tooth you might not feel the need to do anything about it. You probably still use your mouth similarly to when you had all of your teeth, and you don’t mind the missing space. But there are several reasons why you should consider replacing it.;

  1. When you are missing a tooth your remaining teeth can shift;

Your teeth resist one another and keep them in the proper position. When you’re missing a tooth, the surrounding teeth are likely to shift into the empty space and cause more gaps and uneven spaces between teeth. This can make your teeth look crooked, twisted, and misaligned.

  1. When you’re missing teeth, you can suffer from a misaligned bite

Your facial structure may be altered and your cheeks can appear hollowed. Teeth moving out of their proper position can lead to misalignment which can in turn cause pain or jaw problems. Also, chewing and biting down on food can become difficult due to gaps.

  1. Compromised oral health

If you’re missing more than one tooth, a wide range of food can be off limits because it’s more challenging to chew. You may lean toward more soft food options.

When you turn to soft foods, you are missing a wide range of nutrients that contribute to your oral health. Not replacing missing teeth can also make it more difficult to keep your mouth clean because empty spaces between teeth allow for more bacteria to nestle in and cause bad breath and decay.;

  1. Bone loss

Without tooth replacement, your bone can deteriorate.;

Biting and chewing sends signals that the bone in the area is needed and should be kept strong. Your jaw bone will break down over time and make you appear much older.;

  1. Reduced confidence

Missing teeth can contribute to a lack of confidence in your appearance.;

Whether you’re missing one or several teeth, don’t ignore it. Aside from boosting confidence, replacing missing teeth can also restore the health and function of your mouth.

If you would like to explore options for missing teeth call us today and book a consultation !